The Leadership Corsicana 2022-2023 experience has been phenomenal. As a recently arrived resident of Corsicana & Navarro County, it has been a wonderful education into what is available locally and how various entities function so as to know how to obtain the countless connections needed to thrive locally. I have grown socially, emotionally, as a leader and in business connections. Some examples regarding these last are: Because of connections I have made through Leadership Corsicana, I have been able to get sponsors and presenters for a youth at risk program put on at my non profit work; have been able to offer undesignated funds to other nonprofits in town from my other business; have been invited to join a local women's group which will further help both of my employments and my personal acclimating into the city; have had other presenters come to share with the underserved community I work with. Etc. Thank you to the Chamber, to Leslie and to Michelle for a great experience with this class.
Melissa Hoehn, Silverlake Apartments, Class of 2023